Well, it's a boring sunday again. Planned to skip school tomorrow cause no one is going. I attended St. Thomas Chinese Society Installation Night 2010/2011 on last friday which means day before yesterday. Kinda fun and enjoyed myself too. But never took many pictures, just a few. And the weird thing is, I met him back for the third time and I've no idea why he leaved such a deep impression to me. I met him before last time twice but I never expect that I'll met him back again. So I wonder that do I have the fate in meeting him again next time? I hope so =X LOL. Just forget about it. I don't even know what the heck I'm talking about. Craps. Lastly, I'll try to update my blog as often as I can but I don't really have much ideas nowadays I don't know why so it's kinda hard for me to write without an inspiration. Hmm...I think thats all from me. I'll end it here. Take care guys. =)
This ain't lust, I know this is love.
So, should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere?

This ain't lust, I know this is love.
So, should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere?
