Friday, May 20, 2011


Hey guys! I'm back again for my new post, I mean short post. So sorry because my inspiration is just not coming to me so I can't do anything right? LOL :D
So I'll just begin with my new life, Form 6.
Form 6 is definitely not a life. I mean it's bad? Like bad bad? Reasons? 'Cause can't play anymore..must be much more serious than last time but who cares? I don't :D
Maybe I will but just not's like I'm just started to enjoy my fun life so I'm not going to end it that fast. :)
And I know a new friend's not new actually...we've known each other for a few years ago but met back in my school. What a coincidence right? :D
So we've become a best friend after that. *glad* :)

I'm very happy and satisfy with my own life right now so don't you ever dare to come in and screw my life up. I'll kill you if you do so, I swear to god. No joke.

And for the rest of the form 4, 5 and the upper 6 candidates, good luck to you guys and there is just 1 more week left, then you all can enjoy the 2 weeks holiday already. All the best! :)

As about me, I'll try to write more for the coming holidays. So see you guys again soon~!
Ciao and take care! :)


Saturday, May 7, 2011


So here I am again with my new post. Well, school's going to be opening soon, very soon which is on this Monday. I am pretty upset but what to do? It's fixed. LOL! So, it's good to know that I've already moved on. I no longer staying at the sad place anymore. I am happy with my new life now, going back to school like usual and nothing to worry about except for studies. I'll try to be smart and wise, sagacious should be the word.

Next, Mother's Day is going to be tomorrow and I'll bring my parents to go somewhere to eat for our breakfast, lunch and dinner. Since I'd already got my salary, so I'll treat everything. =)

I'm wondering how's my form 6 life's gonna be....worst nightmare ever?

Or it's going to be nice?
The curiosity of mine are struggling to know on what's going to happen next. I hope that there won't be any argument going on. You know, like conflicts?

Hmm...Am awaiting for a better day and a better life. May God bless.

Will blog again soon. Sorry for the lack of posts guys. Take care!

Lastly, Happy Mother's Day to YOU mom! I LoveYou!♥
