Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hey guys! My July tests is finally over and yeah, I got the results and it's not that good because I didn't study for it so not really upset tho. :D
I've been very busy nowadays and I don't really have much time to update my blog as often as I usually do because of homeworks, school thingy and so on. So please forgive me guys. :)
Secondly, homeworks are really thwarting. I don't feel like doing it. *please bear the indolence of mine* :D
All I need now is a nice and peaceful holiday without any HOMEWORK.
Can someone just work it out? LOL.

See you guys soon! (I hope so) LMAO. :)

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What I can say is that I'm in big depression currently, one of the reason is because of my new life in Pre-U. It's definitely miserable for me. Homeworks are a lot like HELL. I'm surrounded with lots of sarcastic and sly humans and it's hard for me to be cautious all the time. Life is just always that hard right? Once I realize about it, I know that I'm no longer will be the dumb lil girl anymore.. :)
